| The Aquarium Experience | | Beenieland | | The Beenian Odessey | |Brainstorms | | Buddies | | Dragons |
| Ecuador | | E-Mail | | Fish Tank | | Font Colors | | Holidays | | Links | | SFU - Year in Review |
This site was established 9/6/98
Last Updated 11/21/01
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Help me out by clicking here and signing up for NeoPets!!!Note From the Beenie: Hello all! I finally have the ability to update my pages again. If you have any comments or questions feel free to e-mail them to me at [email protected]
Greetings wandering web surfers, and welcome to my page. My name is Beenie and I will be your guide through this twisted and motley web site I call home. Here you will find a delightful variety of topics ranging from music and travel to creative writing and dragons. If sections of this site seem vaguely familiar, then perhaps you have visited one of two sites that I'm associated with, Organized Chaos, Blissed and Burned, and the now defunct Delirium Factor.
The Aquarium Experience: Take a dive into the wonders of the Aquarium of Niagara. Here you'll find a information of the aquarium, staff, programs, and all the lovely critters that inhabit it. As promised to my friends in MMC, this page will be as fabulous as I can possibly make it :)
Welcome to Beenieland: A little info on myself
The Beenian Odessey:Since I'm studying to be a marine biologist, I figured that I should put in a section devoted to my future employment.This page is loaded with pictures of all kinds of ocean animals and will soon contain my own information on scuba diving sites and underwaterphotography.
Brainstorms and Other Natural Disasters: An assortment of creative writing including poetry, short fiction, humor, and a few sci-fi/fantasy novels in the making
Buddies: Learn a little about some of my best friends!
The Dragons of Ambrosia:My modest page in honor of those creatures that have haunted our dreams throughout the ages, named after the dragons living on the floating city of Ambrosia from Redemption of the Lost (see the creative writing section)
Ecuador: A page full of the pictures I took while living in Quito for eight weeks in an exchange program
The Fish Tank: A little page on aquaculture in the home aquarium. This page includes a small list of different species of fresh and saltwater fishes, their information and how to breed them at home.
Font Colors: Charts of different HTML textcolors
Holiday Fun: Wallpapers and icons for various holidays
Links: My links section containing, obviously, my links
SFU - The Year in Review:A flashback on my latest year in college with pictures and slideshows.
Send All Questions, Comments, Manifestos, and Idle Threats here!
Special thanks to the wonderful Fortune City for this space, Adria for her friendship, postcards and the word "yokel", Paulina and Joe for lots of fun, my doggie for being so darn cute (enjoy the after life!), Ellen for giving me a reason to be up late, Kim for the Blue Maui and the rest of the crazies on first wing, all those who unknowingly contributed, the wonderful staff at the Aquarium of Niagara for a fun-filled internship, and of course my fellow elysium members: Adrienne the illustrious and uncompromising, Newt the quick witted and fleet footed. Thank you all.